TRELOCK Security – Security and quality. The number of bicycle thefts is on the increase and only every tenth bicycle is eventually returned to its original owner. However, cyclists investing in a good lock reduce the risk of their bicycle being stolen. With its bike lock solutions, TRELOCK offers customers more than just security for their bicycles. Innovative additional solutions provide the cyclist with increased security and convenience. Modern cylinder technologies and high-quality materials produce reliable bicycle locks and as an added plus also reduce the weight of the lock. The BC 580 offers the perfect combination of flexibility and high security: with a length of 110 cm it offers sufficient locking range to lock the bike or e-bike to a stationary object, the 9 mm thick chain links provide high theft protection.
Length: 110 cm Diameter: 9 mm Disc style cylinder resistant textile sleeve Key service Safety Level 5 of 6 Hardened steel links Sold Secure Gold and ART** approved